Limit Risks with First-Rate Web Application Security

Security remains a top priority for organizations today as web-based applications extend access to all stakeholders via a common platform. SpyGlass and HIPAA Director web application security has been comprehensively tested and certified by industry recognized vulnerability management solution providers.

Beacon's Comprehensive Security Framework
  • All calls to the application are intercepted and cleared from every channel
  • All access secured by robust digital certificate encryption
  • Finely screened control of all user access by login role
  • Key data changes, as well as claim actions and overrides with before values, are logged
  • Superb reporting for all security tracking and audits
  • Strong token integration for single sign-on options
  • Enhanced two-factor authentication protects against stolen passwords, phishing attempts, and brute-force attacks
  • Biometric login capabilities can be added to the core user-name and password combination or used in its place
  • HIPAA Director secures HIPAA required and general-purpose, automated and managed file transfers and supports multiple encryption protocols, compression, signing, and operational notifications

Banking-Caliber Security for Your Operations


Roles-Based Security Model

Our rules- and roles-based system allows your security administrator to control the full range of user access to the application and transaction features. Each role may have distinct password control rules applied. A personalized icon and phrase located on the login page decreases the chance of phishing, isolate honeypot techniques, and lock out potential hacking attempts. Any login failures can be instantly reported to your security administrators.

Two-Factor Authentication

In addition to a range of password requirements, SpyGlass includes two-factor authentication for users logging into the system. Two-factor authentication helps protect against stolen passwords, phishing attempts, and brute-force attacks.


Biometric Authentication

For stringent authentication requirements, SpyGlass supports biometric login capabilities and has enabled support for fingerprint scanners. This can be used in place of or added to the core username and password combination.

Highest Security Rating

SpyGlass has received the highest degree of security-based penetration testing available from industry recognized vulnerability management solution providers.